- Elizabeth Gilbert
East Boston: MLL Specialist
- Amy Cruz
Network: HR Manager
- Kate Cushing
Rhode Island: Dean Of Curriculum and Instruction Humanities
- Brenda Dixon
Rhode Island: Learning Specialist
- Marielita Sanchez
Chelsea: 6th Grade Math Teacher
- Rose Tehrani
Chelsea: ELL Specialist Teacher
- Haydee Casas Garcia
Daycare: Substitute Teacher
- Audrey Tucker
East Boston: Teaching Fellow
- Jarek Azim
East Boston: Learning Specialist
- Irving Pena
East Boston: 8th Grade ELA Teacher
- Melissa Giacalone
East Boston: Paraprofessional
- Emma Clark
East Boston: Counseling Intern
- Elena Lapadula
East Boston: School Psychologist Practicum Student
- Catherine Feisthamel
Greenway: 5th Grade Reading Specialist
- Genevieve Moran
High School: Counselor
- Anna Redway
High School: Learning Specialist
- Karla Gaitan
High School: English Teacher
- Nicole Holas James
High School: Teaching Fellow
- Kartik Prakash
High School: English Teacher
- Richard Munhall
High School: Dean of Curriculum and Instruction
- Jamie De Rios
High School: Dean of Curriculum & Instruction
- Madeleine Moore
High School: Science Teacher
- Anthony Tran
High School: Learning Specialist
- Brittany Kaplan
High School: Counseling Intern
- Mary Hearn
High School: Counseling Intern
- David Enrique
High School: Teaching Fellow
- Shahana Dutt
High School: Science Teacher
- Julieth Lopez
High School: Paraprofessional
- Rabih Borji
High School: Teaching Fellow
- Arthur Kaynor
Network: Director of Development and Governance
- Fabian Gordillo
Network: Finance Associate
- Alexandra Morillo Johnson
Network: Student Enrollment and Recruitment Coordinator
- Maureen Foley
Network: Director of Human Resources
- Kate Apfelbaum
Network: Director of Communications and External Relations
- Adrianna Trigueros
Network: Network Operations Associate
- Zainab Antepli
East Boston: Science Teacher
- Daniel Henry
High School: Paraprofessional
- Larry Shiman
High School: Math Teacher
- Ivanna Abi-Saab
High School: Science Teacher
- Jenna Albanese
High School: Math Teacher
- Yezi Zheng
High School: Math Teacher
- Ashley LaCavalla Rego
CAPS: Director of College and Career Counseling
- Erica Nelson
East Boston: Art Teacher
- Kevin Salazar Barrera
Greenway: Middle School Counselor/Social Worker
- Jenna Wiltrout
Greenway: Social Studies Teacher
- Antonia Sepulveda
High School: MLL Specialist
- Jenny Rosenfeld
High School: Counselor/Social Worker
- Wendy Contreras Sanchez
High School: School Counseling Intern
- Victoria Park
Chelsea: Teaching Fellow
- Valeria Jovel
High School: History Teacher
- Zihan Zhang
Chelsea: Teaching Fellow
- Esther Mugeni
Greenway: Math Teacher
- Amonique Cunningham
East Boston: Dean of Curriculum & Instruction
- Mallory Tozier
High School: Dean of Curriculum & Instruction (STEM)
- Kelsi Farren
Excel Academy Chelsea: School Nurse
- Hannah Ace
High School: Science Teacher
- Alma Acuna
Greenway: 5th Grade ELA Teacher
- Ebunola Akinrimisi
Rhode Island: Homeroom Teacher
- Anthony Alejandro
Rhode Island: Associate Dean of Culture
- Kelsey Anderson
High School: Psychology Teacher
- Megan Aponte-Rios
High School: Dean of Special Education Compliance
- Manuela Arango Vallejo
Chelsea: Operations Assistant
- Angela Arthur
High School: Nurse
- Emma Atwood
East Boston: Counseling Intern
- Melissa Ayala
High School: Associate Dean of Culture
- Ashley Barker
High School: Director of the Teaching Fellowship
- Lilla Barrett
Greenway: School Nurse
- Morgan Baskett
Rhode Island: 6th Grade English Teacher
- Mariah Baxter
High School: Dean of Curriculum & Instruction
- Cassandra Bell
Greenway: Dean of Student Supports
- Daniela Benkirane
High School: Spanish Teacher
- Katie Blue
High School: Dean of Interventions
- Erin Bradley
Chelsea: Athletics & Extracurriculars Manager
- Bobby Bridges
East Boston: Leadership Coach
- Brandon Brito
CAPS: Associate Director of College and Career Counseling
- Megan Brown
Greenway: Dean of Curriculum & Instruction
- Shyan Brown
High School: Associate Dean of DEI
- Erin Bunner
High School: Learning Specialist
- Bianca Cadet
High School: Special Education Coordinator
- Annie Campbell
Chelsea: Middle School Learning Specialist
- Rachel Coates
East Boston: School Psychologist
- Kelsey Cole
Rhode Island: 5th & 6th Grade Science Teacher
- Daimar Flanagan
Rhode Island: Dean of Operations
- Aidan Constant
High School: Science Electives Teacher
- Nicholas Coppola
Rhode Island: Associate Dean of Culture
- Rebecca Corcoran
High School: History Teacher
- Assata Cradle-Morgan
High School: Founding LEAP Teacher
- Luisa Cruz
High School: Dean of Operations
- Karen Cuevas Torres
Network: Senior Staff Accountant
- Daria Davis-Fleming
High School: Geometry Teacher
- Lauren D’Onfro
East Boston: Counselor
- Olivia DelGiudice
High School: Associate Dean of Student Supports, Instruction
- Orlando Diaz
Greenway: Dean of Culture
- Antonia Dolan
High School: Learning Specialist
- Kate Dormeus
Greenway: Head of School
- Kathy Drane
Rhode Island: Building Substitute Teacher
- Will Drucker
Greenway: 7th & 8th Grade Social Studies Teacher
- Bryan Eldridge
Rhode Island: Science Teacher
- Sofie Elliott
Greenway: ELL Specialist
- Anthony Eno
High School: History Teacher
- Jackie Etheridge
East Boston: Dean of Culture
- Casey Fanning
Greenway: 7th Grade English Teacher
- Yuliana Acosta Perez
East Boston: Operations Associate
- Mafe Farias
Daycare: Daycare Director
- Cheryl Farland
Rhode Island: Associate Teacher
- Tanner Fife
High School: Paraprofessional
- Carlye Flanagan
Chelsea: Director of Talent Projects and Student Supports
- Alexandra Flatley
Chelsea: 5th and 6th Grade Social Studies Teacher
- Lauren Flinn
CAPS: Senior Director of Post-Secondary Support
- Ezeanne Fonge
CAPS: Associate Director of Post-Secondary Support
- Ashley Fortune
Greenway: 8th Grade Math Teacher
- Richard Fucillo
High School: Computer Science Teacher
- Yelithza Galvez
Chelsea: Operations Associate
- Alexandra Gandolfo
East Boston: Reading Specialist
- Kelly Garcia
High School: Associate Dean of Transition Planning
- Danielle Gaudet
High School: History Teacher
- Alejandra Gil Zuluaga
Network: Director of Talent
- Laura Goldworm
CAPS: Dean of College Access and Post-Secondary Success
- Natasha Gonzalez
Greenway: Learning Specialist
- Courtney Grabus
Network: Manager of Student Supports (Interim)
- Rosa Granadeno
East Boston: 5th and 6th Grade Social Studies Teacher
- Darren Gray
Network: Managing Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusivity
- Stephanie Gregg
Chelsea: Dean of Operations
- Keith Guerin
Chelsea: Dean of Culture
- Martha Gutierrez
Greenway: Dean of Operations
- Amy Beth Harrison
High School: Department Head & Art Teacher
- Jake Harty
East Boston: School Nurse
- Faith Eastman
Network: Talent Recruiter
- Kendra Heinricher
East Boston: 8th Grade Math Teacher & Network Math Department Head
- Destinee Hernandez
High School: Art Teacher & Dean Fellow
- Emily Hoban
Rhode Island: Teaching Fellow
- MJ Ibrahim
High School: Teacher
- Kevin Isaza
Greenway: Building Substitute
- Nia Isreal
East Boston: Culture Fellow
- Genesis Iturralde
Daycare: Teacher
- Catherine Jacobsen
High School: Spanish Teacher
- Kandra Jacobson
East Boston: 5th Grade English Teacher
- Annaliese Jaffe
High School: English Teacher
- Richard James
High School: Associate Dean of Culture
- Elana Jones
Greenway: Middle School Counseling Department Chair
- Nicholas Jones
High School: Science Teacher
- Darlande Joseney
High School: Dean of Culture
- Gabrielle Joseph
Rhode Island: Learning Specialist
- Leyla Juarez
High school: Operations Manager
- Sarah Kantrowitz
East Boston: Head of School
- Diana Karg
Network: Finance Associate
- Nathaniel Kavan
Greenway: Counselor
- Erin Kelly
High School: English Teacher
- Nina Keough
Network: Chief Schools Officer
- Areez Khan
Rhode Island: Art Teacher
- Kelsie King
Greenway: 7th Grade Math Teacher
- Nick Kioussis
High School: Athletic Director
- Aaron Klein
High School: Human Body Systems Teacher
- Satria Knight
Chelsea: 8th Grade Math Teacher
- Les Kostinas
Chelsea: Art Teacher
- Chi Lakhani
Network: Student Information System Specialist
- Josh LaPlant
East Boston: 7th & 8th Grade Social Studies Teacher
- Bonnie Lavallee
Rhode Island: School Nurse
- Ariel Laxo
Rhode Island: 7th Grade English Teacher
- Miranda Libkin
High School: Performing Arts Teacher
- Mei Lin Jackson
High School: Counselor
- Kate Lints
High School: History Teacher
- Mardi Loeterman
Greenway: Reading Specialist
- Marcy Long
East Boston: 8th Grade Learning Specialist
- Catherine Lopez
Chelsea: Counselor
- Margoth Lopez Martinez
Chelsea: 5th & 6th Grade Science Teacher
- Viviana Lopez-Villasenor
Rhode Island: Paraprofessional
- Pierrelene Louis
High School: Wellness Director
- Juan David Lozano
CAPS: Director of Post-Secondary Support
- Emily Lupo
Chelsea: Head of School
- Alyse Lynch
East Boston: 7th & 8th Grade Science Teacher
- Adiel Mahmoud
East Boston: Building Substitute
- Kiara Martinez
High School: Dean of Curriculum and Instruction
- Leanna Martinez
Greenway: Learning Specialist
- Maricely Martinez
East Boston: 6th Grade Math Teacher
- Elizabeth Matson
Network: Director Special Projects
- Neave Matthew
High School: Math Teacher
- Meghan McIntosh
High School: History Teacher
- Megan Mclean
High School: History Teacher
- Charles McKelvy
Greenway: 7th Grade ELA Teacher
- Andrew Medeiros
Rhode Island: 5th Grade Math Teacher
- Cindy Mendez Moreno
High School: English Teacher
- Lynda Mendez
Greenway: Operations Associate
- Josue Merino
High School: Office Manager
- Elizabeth Metts
High School: History Teacher
- Manon Michel
Greenway: Art Teacher
- Dylan Moeller
East Boston: Self-Contained Math Teacher
- Margaret Molloy
Chelsea: 5th Grade English Teacher
- Andrea Morcillo
High School: Spanish Teacher
- Becca Moskowitz
East Boston: 7th Grade English Teacher
- Kiva Mullis
High School: Computer Science & Medical Interventions Teacher
- Trevor Munhall
High School: Dean of Curriculum and Instruction
- Amanda Natale
East Boston: Dean of Culture
- Tasheka Nelson
Greenway: Learning Specialist
- Luis Ortez
Chelsea: Associate Dean of Students
- Dora Ortiz
High School: Food Service Worker
- Bianca Osorio Berrun
High School: Spanish Teacher
- Cristina Ovalles
CAPS: Director of College Access
- Nathalie Pacas
High School: Dean of Curriculum and Instruction
- Karyn Padilla
- Victor Parkinson
High School: Physics Teacher
- Antonina Parris
High School: Dean of Student Supports
- Stephanie Patton
Network: Deputy Chief Schools Officer
- Magda Pena
Daycare: Teacher
- Megan Perry
Rhode Island: Head of School Fellow
- Alyika Pierre
CAPS: Associate Director of Post-Secondary Support
- Chimene Pierre Louis
Greenway: Paraprofessional
- Zeke Phillips
High School: English Teacher
- Kevin Potterton
High School: Department Head & Math Teacher
- Estevan Puerta
Network: Director of Student Recruitment & Enrollment
- Elizabeth Purvis
High School: Science Teacher
- Reyna Ramirez
Rhode Island: Office Manager
- Isaiah Ratti
Rhode Island: 7th Grade Social Studies Teacher
- Anna Redway
High School: Math Teacher
- Chris Reed
Network: Director of Capital Planning and Facilities
- Ferny Reyes
Network: Director of Data and Assessment
- Kate Ring
Rhode Island: Head of School
- Tyler Ring
Rhode Island: Instructional Fellow
- Stevie Roberts
Network: Managing Director of Operations
- Ashlie Rockwood
Rhode Island: 5th Grade Math Teacher
- Gerardo Rodriguez
East Boston: Associate Dean of Culture
- Laura Rodriguez
High School: Special Projects Manager
- Laura Rodriguez
High School: LEAP Teacher
- Mark Rody Pierre
High School: Office Assistant
- Jedidiah Rogers
Greenway: 5th & 6th Grade Social Studies Teacher
- Ivanelis Ruiz-Almanzar
East Boston: Math Teacher
- Alisha Saini
Chelsea: Counselor
- Sylvia Sanchez
High School: Physical Education Teacher
- Kimberly Sanders
High School: English Teacher
- Priscilla Santiago
Rhode Island: MLL Specialist
- Sonia Schroeder
High School: Paraprofessional
- Natasha Schweitzer
High School: Learning Specialist
- Deizy Sepulveda
Daycare: Teacher
- Shannon Simpson
East Boston: Self-Contained English Teacher
- Chalayna Smart
CAPS: Associate Director of College and Career Counseling
- Hannah Snarr
East Boston: ELL Specialist
- Mary Snow
Greenway: Associate Dean of Culture
- Andrew Solomon
Network: Chief Financial Officer
- Eva Soto Perello
High School: Spanish Teacher
- Taryn Souza
Greenway: Health & Fitness Teacher
- Rachel Spencer
Chelsea: Department Head & ELL Specialist
- Owen Stearns
Network: Chief Executive Officer
- Aaron Stelson
Network: Senior Director of Finance
- Sarah Stuntz
High School: Head of School
- Angela Sullivan
High School: Teaching Fellow
- Rita Sweeney
Greenway: Math Teacher
- Sejong Takenaka
Greenway: 6th Grade English Teacher
- Molly Taliaferro
East Boston: 6th Grade Learning Specialist
- Cole Tangney
High School: Learning Specialist
- Alexandra Tejeda
High School: Spanish Teacher
- Erik Temple
High School: Math Teacher
- Kimberly Tovar
Rhode Island: School Counselor/Social Worker
- Lina Tsankova
Network: Director of Accounting
- Ben Ure
High School: Dean of Culture
- Christine Valariota
High School: Special Education Coordinator
- Amaury Valentin-Rey
East Boston: Social Studies ROSE Teacher
- Ana Vaquedano
High School: Spanish Teacher
- Cecilia Vargas
Daycare: Assistant Daycare Teacher
- Fabiola Vazquez
East Boston: Paraprofessional
- Darius Velez
High School: Associate Dean of Students
- Marlenn Villada
Daycare: Teacher
- Matthew Villareal
Rhode Island: 7th Grade Math Teacher
- Sindy Villatoro
Greenway: ELL Specialist
- Rachel Viray
Chelsea: Math Teacher
- Mandy Vuolo
Rhode Island: Learning Specialist
- Carrie Wagner
High School: Dean of Curriculum & Instruction
- Ebony Weathers
East Boston: 5th Grade Learning Specialist
- Denise Weaver
High School: School Nurse
- Kait White
Rhode Island: ELA Teacher
- Michael Zelaya
Chelsea: Teaching Fellow
- Maria Zolla
High School: School Nurse
- Alejandro Zuleta
High School: Spanish Teacher
Our Teaminterthrive2024-11-19T08:20:26-05:00