Excel Academy is a tuition-free charter public school. A majority of our operating expenses are covered by public dollars. However, charter schools do not receive funds for extraordinary programming or facilities. Therefore, we rely on the generous support of a number of individuals, foundations, and corporations to maintain Excel Academy’s success and impact.
Recently, many of our most generous donors have been compelled by our unique College Access and Post-Secondary Success (CAPS) programming and the building of our high school and middle school campuses. We are thrilled to have raised $2.5 million in our most recent Capital Campaign to support the building of the new Greenway school campus at 375 Bremen Street.
Excel Academy continues to rely on the generous support of our philanthropic partners to support our robust programs designed to truly connect with our students and support them in being prepared to succeed in a post-secondary path that achieves their personal goals. From the start, we have been committed to the long-term success of our students. We currently have eight staff members dedicated to supporting the success of our students for up to six years post-high school graduation. One hundred percent of our first graduating class had at least one affordable post-secondary option, with 74% of those entering a four-year college path.
We are currently accepting contributions for our Annual Fund. To make a donation online, please follow the link provided below. All gifts, of any size, are greatly appreciated and directly support our mission to prepare students for high school and post-secondary success.
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Major Donors Excel Academy
Since 2013, Excel Academy has raised over $15 million to support our organizational growth, including the construction of our new high school building and a new middle school building. Dozens of individual and organizational supporters have contributed generous amounts to this campaign and we are grateful for their incredible support of our schools. Over 400 donors in total are a part of this historic campaign to solidify our position as one of the top public schools in the United States.
Below are the donors who have given or pledged $100,000 or more to our schools. Without the tremendous support from these donors, Excel’s vision of a game-changing charter public school network would not be possible.
Levangie Family Foundation
Stephen and Kristin Mugford
NewSchools Venture Fund
M. Benjamin and Janet Howe
Andrew and Melora Balson
Richard and Susan Smith Family Foundation
Amelia Peabody Foundation
Walton Family Foundation
Barr Foundation
John Hancock Financial Services
Paul and Sandra Edgerley
Wellington Management Foundation
Les and Joanne Rosenberg
Rick and Nonnie Burnes
The Louis Calder Foundation
Sam and Eleanor Williamson
Brian and Stephanie Spector
Boston Schools Fund
Mabel Louise Riley Foundation
Boston Gives, Inc.
The Lynch Foundation
Mark and Evelina Taber
Stuart and Dana Davies
The Cedar Street Foundation
Arcadia Charitable Trust
Peter and Lisa Williams
Mifflin Memorial Fund
Juan and Jennifer Rivera
Liberty Mutual Foundation
Susan Passoni
Bill and Barbara Burgess
Cummings Foundation
Longfield Family Foundation