Who We Are

Excel is a community of ambitious and kind changemakers who believe all students are capable of amazing things.

We invest in our staff so that they can bring their best selves to their relationships, teams, and work.

We know we can create a transformative education for our students if we hold ourselves and our students to high expectations, drive our own growth every day, and never settle for “good enough”.

Our mission

Our Mission

Excel Academy prepares students to succeed in high school and college, apply their learning to solve relevant problems, and engage productively in their communities.

Hopes of students & Families

Hopes of students & Families

Our students and families come to Excel because of its mission. They bring with them their hopes and dreams, and our job is to deliver on it.


Explicitly College Prep

Explicitly College Prep

Excel’s mission is explicitly college preparatory – our job is to prepare students to succeed in high school and in college.                                                                          

More than College Prep

More than College Prep

Our mission that begins with the Excel community, but it extends to our communities and the world our students will shape and transform when they leave us.


Excel’s competitive salaries and a structured raise system are designed to value staff experience and expertise. Highlights include:

  • Annual 8% Raises for School-Based Staff for team members entering years 3-8 years.

  • Points of Intersection Awards up to $5,000 for staff whose experiences share points of intersection with those of many of our students, specifically those who are first-generation college students, grew up in a household that identifies as low-income, or speak a language other than English.

  • Permanent Salary Increases for:

    • Fluency in Spanish, Portuguese, or Arabic
    • Specialized licensure such as ELL or Special Education
    • Excel Alumni
    • Master’s Degrees
    • Previous Excel Teaching Fellows

Benefits and Financial Opportunities

In addition to medical, dental, and retirement benefits, Excel offers a comprehensive suite of benefits to support staff professional growth and financial well-being. Highlights include:

  • Student Loan Repayment up to $437.50 per month and personalized loan forgiveness counseling through PeopleJoy.

  • On-site Bilingual Daycare in Massachusetts with admission through a lottery process for children of Excel staff.

  • Tuition Discount at Boston University Wheelock up to 33% for part-time, evening, or online course tuition.

  • Paid Leadership and Stipend Opportunities throughout the year, past opportunities include sports team coach, DEI liaison, social media ambassador, and content or grade-level leadership. Stipends range from $600-$8,000.

I applied to Excel because the mission of the school aligns to the values of the social work field. The opportunities the school provides are what I needed when I was younger and what my parents wanted for me.

Kimberly Tovar – School Counselor/Social Worker, Excel Academy Rhode Island

Application Process

Positions are filled on a rolling basis, with applicants given priority as soon as they submit their application and resume.

Excel Academy Charter Schools is committed to building a diverse staff that reflects the community that we serve. We strongly encourage applications from candidates whose experiences share important points of intersection with those of our students. Staff who demonstrate fluency in Spanish, Portuguese or Arabic will also receive additional compensation.

Excel Academy Charter Schools do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, creed, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, ancestry, athletic performance, special need, proficiency in the English language or a foreign language or prior academic achievement.

You will speak with someone from our Talent team to share about why you are interested in the Fellowship, what strengths you bring to the role, and learn more about more Excel.

Select candidates will interview in person, lead a demonstration lesson with students, and observe and meet Excel teachers at one of our schools.

Candidates will be asked to provide professional references early in the interview process.

Contact Us

Connect with Alejandra Gil Director of Talent agil@excelacademy.org.